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West Hennepin Radio

West Hennepin Radio is a GMRS Repeater Group located in Minnesota serving a large part of Hennepin, Carver, Wright and Meeker County. Our purpose is to promote and enhance the use of GMRS radio for both hobby and emergency communications. Our privately owned and maintained repeater system will greatly enhance the distance that your GMRS radios will communicate. Club membership is required. See info on this site.

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GMRS Radios and Repeaters

The General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) is a licensed family oriented radio service that uses channels around 462 MHz and 467 MHz UHF. Typical radios used in the GMRS radio service include Base, Mobile and Hand Held transceivers ranging from 5 to 50 watts of power.  The most common use of GMRS channels is for short-distance (up to 30 miles) two-way voice communications using hand-held radios, mobile radios and repeater systems. An FCC GMRS license is required but is easy to obtain without any testing needed. See information below for licensing requitements.

In-depth video on GMRS repeaters   More info on GMRS radio.. How to Progarm A GMRS Radio

West Hennepin Radio Club

West Hennepin Radio is currently allowing GMRS users to join our group and have access to our repeater at a moderate annual donation of $35.00 for a single or family membership. We charge this just to help cover the high cost of maintaining and operating the repeater. The benefit of joining our group will be to dramatically increase the distance that your GMRS radio will be able to communicate. You will be able to use the repeater system to communicate with your family members and other local members / users in the area.  A GMRS license is required and you will need to purchase your own radio gear that is readly available at a reasonable cost. See other links for licensing information.

We are currently on the GMRS repeater channel 17-R with the frequency pair RX 462.600. TX 467.600. We reserve the right to change repeater frequencies at any time. All members will be notified of any changes.


How To Join

We are accepting members that would like to get involved with GMRS and be a part of the West Hennepin Radio Repeater Group. We welcome all indivudials and families that have an interest in GMRS radio for both hobby and emergency communications. You will be using your own radio equipment but you will be allowed to transmit through our repeater located high in Hennepin county, Your radio equipment will also allow you to communicate directly with your family or other GMRS users without transmitting through our repeater but using our repeater greatly extends the range your radio will operate.

In order to join, you will need to register at the website https://mygmrs.com/ Once you have registrered, you will be able join the West Hennepin Radio Club > Our Club Page Once you join (donation required), you will receive the CTCSS tone that will allow you to access the repeater.    Our Club Rules Our Facebook page

Getting Your GMRS License

• Main license holder must be 18 years old+ but Kids can use your License
• Not a representative of a foreign government
• Only available to individuals / families. No blanket license is available for businesses.
• No test required, just payment of $35 to FCC and license is good for 10 years
• License covers you and your immediate family (husband, wife, kids, siblings,  grandparents, aunts, uncles etc).

Click here for instructions on How to apply for a GMRS license

Having a GMRS license will allow you and your family members to operate your radio equipment on on all GMRS frequencies.  GMRS Frequency Chart  Although all the frequencies are shared, GMRS repeaters are privately owned and typically require permission or club membership to use. 

Where to find GMRS radios  Amazon .. Buy2WayRadios .. Midland .. Rugged Radios

Contact W.H.R   scott@westhennepinradio.com   mike@westhennepinradio.com

Design by Mike / Natalie